Socialization & Seniors: Benefits of Staying Social As You Age

  If you’re a senior or a caregiver for a senior, you know it’s easy to become less social and mindfully engaged during retirement. Changes in the brain can make it difficult to adjust to new circumstances, and often seniors live alone or are presented with very few opportunities to meet new people and socialize.… Continue reading Socialization & Seniors: Benefits of Staying Social As You Age

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Life Long Learning & Seniors

It is not uncommon for seniors to face cognitive issues if they don’t stay mentally active and sharp. It is important to find ways to combat this natural tendency so that they can continue to enjoy life and proper mental health. Learning can help seniors avoid mental health decline. Here are some other reasons why… Continue reading Life Long Learning & Seniors

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Top Foods Promoting Brain Health As You Age

Nutrition is a major component of overall health and also plays a major role in proper brain function. A healthy diet can lower an individual’s risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. While the National Institute of Health says that there is insufficient evidence to show that food can prevent Alzheimer’s disease,… Continue reading Top Foods Promoting Brain Health As You Age

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Benefits of Walking for Seniors

Staying healthy and active in your senior years could simply mean taking the occasional stroll. Historically, it has been widely accepted that walking is good for burning off a few calories and keeping fit. However, several studies now show that the benefits of walking go much further, including improving mental health and warding off common… Continue reading Benefits of Walking for Seniors

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